Active Ingredient : 250 g / L Tebuconazole
Formulation : Emulsion concentrate (EC)
Acts on multiple points in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway. This means that the metabolism of fungi is disrupted at multiple stages. Due to its systemic action, tebuconazole penetrates the plant and disperses evenly in leaf tissue in a sustained way. This means that not only the surfaces on which the pesticide is applied but also newly-growing offshoots and leaves are protected against infections for extended periods of time. Tebuconazole has protective, curative and, in some cases, eradicative properties. Therefore, a good control is achieved even if pests have penetrated the leaf and disease symptoms have started to appear. In addition to these superior properties, it is a fungicide with a wide spectrum of action which can be used for many cultivated plants and is suitable for integrated pest management programs.
Method Of Application
Powdery mildew of cereals (wheat): The symptoms of powdery mildew disease can be observed in suitable conditions every year. Therefore, course of disease should be monitored, in case disease progresses towards upper side of plant, green component administration should be started for preventing contamination of upper leaves, especially flag leaf with disease. If climatic conditions proceed in compliance with development of disease and if there is any possibility of an epidemic condition, second administration can be made.
Yellow rust of wheat: Administration should be started when the first signs of disease are observed in the environment. Green component administration is made against rust factors. Administration should be made in way that the surface of leaves and stem are covered with the mixture. If the course of conditions is appropriate for development of disease, second administration can be made (at 21 day intervals) by considering duration of product.
For mildew and early leaf blight in tomato, spraying is started once conditions are favorable for disease or first disease signs appear and application is repeated as long as weather conditions continue being suitable for disease.
Tomato (Greenhouse) leaf mold: It should be started when the first symptoms of disease are observed in the surrounding or when the flowers are blooming. Spraying should be made at 10 day interval.
Brown spot of citrus fruits: The administrations are started when the shoots start to develop, when they are about 5-10 cm long and the first signs of disease appear by considering development of shoot and climatic characteristics. Especially for protecting the newly formed parts of the growing shoots and leaves and young fruit from the disease during the development of the shoot, administrations are continued at 15-20 days intervals. The administrations are discontinued when development of shoot stops, rainfalls reduce and temperatures increase and fruit reaches almost 4 cm diameter.
Vineyard Powdery Mildew:
1st spraying: When the shoots are 25-30 cm long before the flower,
2nd spraying: During the flower buds are separated before blooming,
3rd spraying: During the flower petals are fallen and the unripe graves are small shatter in size,
4th and other spraying: Depending on the impact duration of medicine used after the third spraying, it is made until the period of veraison to shatters.
Early leaf spot of peanut: Administration is started 4-5 weeks later from October where disease is observed every year, it can be continued until harvest.
Compatibility: Can be mixed with formulations other than highly acidic and basic formulations.
Detailed Table Information
Peanut | Cercospora early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) | 50 ml / da | 21 days |
Citrus | Brown spot disease (Alternaria alternata f.sp citri) | 100 ml / 100 L water | 21 days |
Tomato | Leaf mold (Fulvia fulva) | 50 ml / 100 L water | 7 days |
Tomato | Early leaf blight (Alternaria solani) | 50 ml / 100 L water | 7 days |
Wheat | Grain powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis) | 75 ml / da | 35 days |
Wheat | Yellow rust (Puccina striiformis) | 75 ml / da | 35 days |
Vineyard | Powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) | 40 ml / 100 L water | 21 days |