Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
It is a contact effective protective fungicide.
Method Of Application
Vineyard mildew:
The first application should be started when the shoots reach 25-30 cm.
The second and subsequent applications are applied with 10-15 days intervals, taking into account the duration of the first plant protection product, the development status of the disease, and meteorological factors.
Apple scribble:
1st spraying: When the flower buds swell (3-5 days before in places where there is a row of branches),
2nd spraying: During the pink rosette bud period (when the flowers are seen separately),
3rd spraying: When 70-80% of the flower petals fall,
The 4th and other applications should be done at intervals of 12-14 days when the climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.
Leaf puncher in apricot:
1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,
2nd application: Before the flower buds open in the spring (during the pink flower bud period),
3rd spraying: It should be done while separating the sepal and stamen plate from the fruit.
Ringed Stain on Olives:
In the Marmara Region:
1st application: just before autumn shoots appear
2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open
In the Aegean Region:
1st application: just before the spring shoots appear
2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open,
In the Mediterranean Region :
1st application: After harvest,
2nd application: Just before the spring shoots appear,
3rd application: It should be done after the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open.
Peach Leaf Curl:
An application is made when the buds start to swell. Care is taken to thoroughly apply a plant protection product to the buds.
Tomato Downy Mildew: The application is started with the appearance of a white ash-like conidy cover on the lower surface of brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm on the tomato leaves. Depending on the severity of the disease and climatic conditions, the application is continued with an interval of 7-10 days.
Brown rot and stem mucilage in citrus fruits:
Against fruit infections
The first application should be done before the rains start in autumn or just after the first rains. If the weather is rainy, 1. 15 days after application
The second application should be made. Wounds on infected trees against trunk infections should be cleaned up to the wood tissue in October, January and March. 3% potassium permanganate should be applied to the wounds as a disinfectant.
Miscibility: Hektaş Bordeaux® Flowable should be used alone without mixing with other plant protection products.
Detailed Table Information
Olive | Ring stain (Spilocaea oleaginea) | 1000 ml / 100 l water | 0 day | |
Peach | Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) | 1000 ml / 100 l water | 14 days | |
Orange | Brown rot (Phytopthora citrophthora) | 500 ml / 100 l water | 14 days | |
Apricot | Leaf puncher (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) | 1st application 1000 ml / 100 l water (Dormant period), 2nd application 600 ml / 100 l water (Spring application), 3rd application 600 ml / 100 l water (Spring application) | 14 days | |
Apple | Black stain(Venturia inaequalis) | 1000 ml / 100 l water | 14 days | |
Tomato | Mildew(Phytophthora infestans) | 600 ml / da | 14 days | |
Bond* | Mildew(Plasmopara viticola) | 1st application 400 ml / 100 l water, 2nd application 500 ml / 100 l water, 3rd application 600 ml / 100 l water | 21 days |