Active Ingredient: 150 g/l Indoxacarb
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Packaging : 500 ml, 100 ml
Gremlin is an insecticide with contact and stomach action which is presented in flowable concentrate formulation and used for pest management in vineyard, cotton, corn, tomato, apple and hazelnut. It is effective against all stages of pest larvae.
Gremlin acts by blocking the sodium channels of the insects nerve cells; shortly after spraying, the pests nutritional and other activities are ended or significantly reduced. Pests die within 24-60 hours.
Gremlin is not affected by rain starting after the applied product dries on the plant; so there is no need to repeat application.
Method Of Application
Against hazelnut weevil, in the inspections made when the fruits come to lentil size, in case more than 2/10 hazelnut weevils are observed, administration is made.
In the cotton field, the plants on 6-8 randomly selected cotton lines of 3 m are checked and bollworm eggs and larva are counted. If there are an average of 2-5 larvae on a line of 3 m, management is decided.
Cotton: For optimum results in cotton leaf worm management, spraying should be done during the period when the eggs hatch. Spraying should be repeated at 10-15 day intervals if necessary, depending on pest intensity in the season. Application should be initiated when 0.5 larvae per plant or 2 egg bundles or 2 new bursts (sapling group) in 25 plants is observed.
Corn: The first spraying is done after the first eggs of the pest are seen, followed by 2nd and 3rd sprayings done at 15-day intervals.
In apple codling moth management, sprayings are done according to a forecast and warning system. The aim of apple codling moth management is keeping the trees sprayed at the time of larva emergence in each generation and killing the larva before entering the fruit.
Cotton leaf worm in pepper and tomato: For optimum results, spraying should be done during the period when the eggs hatch. Vegetable areas should be checked diagonally and pest management should be started if 1-2 newly hatched egg bundles or 4-5 larvae are seen in 100 plants. Timing should be chosen carefully since better results are obtained if spraying is done before the larvae scatter.
In grapevine moth management, sprayings are done according to a forecast and warning system. If the number of moths caught in traps has reached peak and started to fall; accumulated degree-days reach 120 degree-days in the first generation, 520 degree-days in the second generation and 1047 degree-days in the third generation; and if, from a phenological perspective, first generation corresponds to the flower bud stage, second generation to unripe grape and third generation to start of sweetening; eggs are checked and spraying is decided according to hatching. One spraying is done for each generation.
Compatibility: Can be mixed with many known fungicides and insecticides.
Environmental impact: Not to be applied when honeybees and pollinating bees (bumblebees) are active (e.g. apply in early morning or evening hours). Where bumblebees are used as pollinators, it is recommended to close the hives before application of Gremlin® and keep them shut for 72 hours after spraying. It is toxic for fish and other aquatic creatures. As a general rule, prevent the pesticide from reaching the plants outside the spraying area.
Detailed Table Information
Plant Name | Pest Name | Usage dose | Time between last spraying and harvest |
Cotton | Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) | 45 ml / da larva | 14 day |
Cotton | Cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) | 40 ml / da larva | 14 day |
Corn | Corn worm (Ostrinia nubilalis) | 30 ml / da larva | 3 day |
Corn | Corn stalk borer (Sesamia nonagrioides) | 30 ml / da larva | 3 day |
Hazelnut | Hazelnut weevil (Curcilio nucum) | 45 ml / da adult | 14 day |
Apple | Apple codling moth | 35 ml / 100 L water , egg , larva | 14 day |
Tomato (field) | Cotton bollworm(Helicoverpa armigera) | 40 ml / da Larva | 3 day |
Tomato (greenhouse) | Cotton leaf worm (Spodoptera littoralis) | 35 ml / 100 L water, larva | 3 day |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | Cotton bollworm(Helicoverpa armigera) | 40 ml / 100 L water, larva | 3 day |
Vineyard | Grapevine moth(Lobesia botrana) | 25 ml / 100 L water , egg, larva | 3 day (table grapes), 10 day (wine grapes) |