Active Ingredient : 200 g/l Azoxystrobin + 125 g/l Difenoconazole
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Method Of Application
The first administration against powdery mildew in the vineyard is performed in the period when the shoots are 25-30 cm before the flower, the second administration is performed in the period when the flower buds are separated before flowering, the third administration is performed in the period when the flower petals fall off and the seedlings reach to a size of small pellets, the fourth and other administrations are performed according to the effective period of the plant protection product used in the third administration and until the moles fall period.
The first administration should be started against mildew in the vineyard when the shoots reach 25-30 cm. The second and subsequent administrations should be performed at 10-15 days intervals through taking the duration of the plant protection product used in the first administration, development of the disease and meteorological factors into consideration.
As a summer administration against necrosis in the vineyard, the first administration should be performed when the shoots are 2-3 cm, the second administration should be performed when the shoots are 8-10 cm, and the third administration should be performed when the shoots are 25-30 cm. Do not perform more than 3 administrations with ALDEID in one season.
It is recommended to make preliminary mixture tests before making a large amount of mixture for administration.
Detailed Table Information
Eggplant (greenhouse) | Powdery mildew in eggplants (Leveillula taurica) | 100 ml/ 100 l water | 3 days |
Pomegranate | brown spot on pomegranate (Alternaria affernata) | 80ml/ 100 l water | 21 days |
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | Mildew in Cucurbitaceae (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) | 80ml/ 100 l water | 3 days |
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | powdery mildew in cucurbits (Ersiphe cichoracearum, Sphaerotheca fuliginea) | 80ml/ 100 l water | 3 days |
Tomato (greenhouse) | powdery mildew in cucurbits (Leveillula taurica) | 100 ml/ 100 l water | 3 days |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | powdery mildew in cucurbits (Leveillula taurica) | 100 ml/ 100 l water | 3 days |
Bond* | bond dead arm ( Phomopsis viticola) | 80ml/ 100 l water | 21 days |
Bond* | Vineyard powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) | 80ml/ 100 l water | 21 days |
Pistachios | Black pepper in pistachios (Pseudocercospora pjstacina) | 100 ml/ 100 l water | 21 days |