Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 45 g/l Pinoxaden + 20 g/l Cloquintocet-mexyl (safener)

Formulation : Emulsion concentrate (EC)

Packaging : 1 l

Method Of Application

HEKTAŞ ZENON® is a systemic herbicide used after emergence against narrow-leaved weeds in all wheat and barley varieties. Cereals have a wide range of use, from the two true leaf period to the flag leaf removal period. HEKTAŞ ZENON® is a DEN group plant protection product that is effective on enzymes that are not affected by these groups, in addition to the enzyme systems affected by FOB and DIM group herbicides. Since it contains spreading adhesive, it does not require the use of an additional spreading adhesive. Application should be avoided in the presence of these conditions, as a decrease in the effect is expected under stressful conditions such as drought, frost, pests, diseases and floods.

Miscibility: It is not recommended to be mixed with other products. If mixing is required, a premix test should be performed.

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