Category : Crop Protection Product group : Fungicides

Active Ingredient : %50 Kresoxim-methyl

Formulation : Water dispersible granule (WG)

Package : 150 g


Kresoxim-methyl, the active substance of Troopest 50 WG, is an active substance which belongs to the Strobilurin group, which is a new group of fungicides. It is a quasi-systemic fungicide. It can be used during flowering. It is a very safe fungicide with regard to the plant, and it can be used at any stage. It causes the fungus to die by inhibiting cellular respiration. It has a protective and curative double effect. It does not easily get washed away with rain and maintains its effect for a long time by forming a thin film over the leaves and fruits after spraying. The protective effect of the product lasts for 10-14 days. After 2-3 consecutive applications, its curative effect increases and, independent of the disease, it also causes the leaves to have a green appearance. Since it has a mechanism of action different from those of the other fungicides, it has an important place in management of resistance. It is environment-friendly and compatible with IPM. It has a translaminar effect which can dissipate to all parts of the leaf. The variations in the temperatures do not cause any change in the effectiveness of the pesticide.

Method Of Application

A spray-coating which would soak the plants completely should be carried out. 1. spraying is made when the flower eyes swell, 2nd spraying in the cycle of pink bud, 3rd spraying when 70-80% of the flower petals fall. Next spraying is continued at 10-14 day intervals.

A spray-coating which would soak the plants completely should be carried out. It is started when the shoots start to develop, when they are about 5-10 cm long and the first signs of disease appear by considering development of shoot and climatic characteristics. The spraying is discontinued when development of shoot stops, rainfalls reduce and temperatures increase and fruit reaches almost 4 cm diameter. It is repeated at 14-15 day intervals.

Spraying is started once the first signs of disease appear. Spraying is repeated at 7-10-day intervals. A spray-coating which would soak the plants completely should be carried out.

A spray-coating which would soak the plants completely should be carried out. 1. administration: When the shoots are 25-30 cm long before the flower, 2nd spraying: During the flower buds are separated before blooming, 3rd spraying: During the flower petals are fallen and the unripe graves are small shatter in size, 4th and other spraying: It is continued at 10-14 day intervals after the third spraying until veraison period of shatters.

Compatibility: Can be used by mixing with fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers except for those having alkaline properties.

Detailed Table Information

Apple Black spot (Venturia inaequalis) 15 g / 100 L Water 35 days
Citrus Fruits Brown spot disease (Alternaria alternata f.sp.citri) 25 g / 100 L Water 35 days
Cucumber Powdery mildew (Erysiphe sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Cucumber Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Cucurbits Powdery mildew (Erysiphe sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Cucurbits Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Melon Powdery mildew (Erysiphe sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Melon Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Vineyard Powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) 20 g / 100 L Water 35 days
Watermelon Powdery mildew (Erysiphe sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days
Watermelon Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca sp.) 25 g / 100 L Water 3 days