Active Ingredient : %50 Trifloxystrobin
Formulation : Water dispersible granule (WG)
Package : 100 g, 150 g
A protective and curative fungicide which is able to penetrate into the leaf through the wax layer of plants.
Method Of Application
Black spot in apple:
1. When the flower buds swell;
2. During the pink bud stage;
3. When 70-80% of the petals have fallen; Spraying should be repeated at 10-12 day intervals if climatic conditions are suitable for disease.
Shot hole of apricot:
1st spraying should be done right after the leaves fall in autumn;
2nd spraying in spring during the pink bud stage and before florescence;
and 3rd spraying when the fruit’s sepal and stamen sheath go past the tip of the fruit.
Brown spot of citrus fruits: The administrations are started when the shoots start to develop, when they are about 5-10 cm long and the first signs of disease appear by considering development of shoot and climatic characteristics. Especially for protecting the newly formed parts of the growing shoots and leaves and young fruit from the disease during the development of the shoot, administrations are continued at 15-20 days intervals. The administrations are discontinued when development of shoot stops, rainfalls reduce and temperatures increase and fruit reaches almost 4 cm diameter.
(Melon): Spraying should begin before disease is detected. Administration should be continued by considering the severity of disease, climatic conditions and efficiency time of plant protection product. When the daily average temperature is above 27°C and relative humidity is below 50%, spraying should be discontinued.
Rice blast: First spraying should be done once the first signs of disease are seen in the environment. If the conditions are suitable for disease progression, spraying should be repeated at 7-10 day intervals.
Powdery mildew in vineyard:
1st spraying: Before blossoming, when the offshoots reach 25-30 cm length;
2nd spraying: When the unripe grapes reach the size of a pellet;
3rd spraying: It should be carried out 15 days after the second spraying. Other sprayings should be repeated with 15-day intervals. Sprayings should be stopped at veraison.
Compatibility: Can be mixed with many commonly used fungicides. In case of any doubts, a compatibility test should be made before application. If Trailer is to be used as a tank mixture in combination with other products, Trailer should first be put into the tools tank containing water, followed by other products which have been mixed with water in another container. If the products in the mixture are in water soluble bags (WSB), these should be put in the tank before Trailer.
Do not use by mixing it with spreaders-stickers. Mixtures with plant protection products with Chropyrifos-ethyl and Cypermethrin compounds in vineyard can lead to mild burn in young leaves in early period in sensitive varieties such as Yalova pearl, Kardinal, Mü?küle and Perlet.
Detailed Table Information
Citrus Fruits | Brown spot disease | 20 g / 100 L water | 28 days |
Apricot | Shot hole of stone fruit | 12,5 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Melon | Powdery mildew | 15 g / 100 L water | 3 days |
Watermelon | Leaf blight | 20 g / da | 3 days |
Apple | Black spot | 15 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Tomato | Powdery mildew of aubergine | 15 g / 100 L water | 3 days |
Paddy | Blast of rice | 20 g / da | 35 days |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | Powdery mildew of aubergine | 15 g / 100 L water | 3 days |
Vineyard | Powdery mildew | 10 g / 100 L water | 35 days |