Active Ingredient : 18 g/l Abamectin
Formulation : Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Package : 1 L, 500 ml, 250 ml
It is an insecticide-acaricide with stomach poison and contact effect.
Method Of Application
Pear-Pear Psyllid: Spraying is done when almost all of the eggs laid by the overwintering offspring adults hatch, second and third instar nymphs begin to appear and more than 15% of the shoots meet. When an individual is seen in each exile, that exile is considered contaminated.
Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, Eggplants- Red Spiders: Spraying should be done when an average of 3-5 live cobwebs are seen per leaf in tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants, and 1-3 live cobwebs are seen in peppers.
Ornamental Plants – Galleryfly: Spraying is started as soon as the first gallery symptoms are seen. Spraying can be repeated if necessary. There should be an interval of at least 7 days between two sprayings.
Cotton-Spider: In order to determine the control time, controls are made when the plants are 4-6 leaves. If the pest is only locally located on the edge of the field or inside, only these parts should be sprayed. Spraying should be done when an average of 5 live spider mites is seen in the Mediterranean Region and 10 in the Aegean and Southeastern Anatolia Regions per leaf.
Apple-European Red Spider: Application should be made when an average of 8-10 live individuals per leaf are seen in the periodic counts of 100 leaves from the beginning of May.
Strawberry-Rod Spider: Early application: In the problem strawberry areas, a single application is made when spider mites are seen during flower and green fruit period (before the first ripe fruits appear). Early application is safer in terms of leaving no residue on the fruits.
Compatibility: It should be tried beforehand with other plant protection products. The alkaline reaction does not mix with drugs. Due to the resistance to be formed against plant protection products, it is recommended to use drugs with a different mechanism of action.
Detailed Table Information
Ornamental plants | Leaf Gallery fly (Liriomyza trifolii) | 25 ml/100 L water | 0 days |
Eggplant | Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) | 25 ml/ 100 L water | 3 days |
Eggplant | Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) | 50 ml/da | 21 days |
Cucumber | Red spider (Tetranychus spp.) | 25 ml/100 L water | 3 days |
Apple | European red spider (Panonychus ulmi) | 75 ml /100 L water | 7 days |
Tomato | Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) | 25 ml/da | 3 days |
Strawberry | Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) | 25 ml/100 L water | 3 days |
Pepper | Red spider (Tetranychus spp.) | 25 ml/100 L water | 3 days |
Pear | Pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) | 75 ml /100 L water | 0 days |