Category : Plant Nutrition Product group : Leaf Fertilizer

Water soluble Potassium oxide (K2O): 24

Package: 1 lt.

Miscibility: Mixture can be made by making a preliminary trial. It can be mixed with many pesticides.


It is a high quality liquid solution that can dissolve in water to eliminate Potassium (K) deficiency in plants. It is readily available potassium in citrate form for fullness and maturation. It is readily available potassium that improves the color, size, ripening and taste of vegetables and fruits. It provides uniform ripening and coloring, increases the taste and sugar level, extends the shelf life, does not contain nitrate and chloride.

Method Of Application


Shake the package well before use. The recommended dosage of Supa K is poured into the tank 2/3 of which is filled with water, while mixing continues, the missing water is completed. Avoid application in dry, high humidity, frost and rain conditions

Detailed Table Information

Plant Name Advices
Olive It is applied after fruit set by mixing 200 ml of Supa K with 100 l of water.
Citrus It is applied after fruit formation by mixing 200 ml of Supa K with 100 l of water. If necessary, it is repeated at intervals of 10-14 days.
Sugar beet It is used at a dose of 300 ml per decare, starting from the 9-12 leaf stage of the beet, repeated at 10-14 day intervals if necessary.
Peach, Cherry, Apricot, Plum 200 ml of Supa K is mixed with 100 l of water and applied 3 times on leaves at 10-14 day intervals after the seeds start to harden.
Onion, Cucurbits, Carrot, Tomato, Potato At a dose of 200 ml per decare, when the tubers start to swell, the green parts are sprayed, and if necessary, it is repeated at intervals of 10-14 days.
Hard Cores 200 ml of Supa K is mixed with 100 l of water and applied 3 times on leaves at 10-14 day intervals after the seeds start to harden. HARD SEEDS (PEACHER, CHERRY, APRICOT, Plum etc.)
Vegetables At a dose of 200 ml per decare, when the tubers start to swell, the green parts are sprayed, and if necessary, it is repeated at intervals of 10-14 days. VEGETABLES (POTATOES, TOMATOES, CUCUCUMBERS, CARROT, ONION etc.)
Cotton It is applied at a dose of 200 ml per decare during the flowering period.
Hazelnut It is used between March and June at a dose of 100 ml per 100 l of water.
Apple, Quince, Pear 200 ml of Supa K is mixed with 100 l of water and applied 3 times on leaves at 10-14 day intervals from fruit formation.
Strawberry It is applied at a dose of 300 ml per decare, during the flowering period, and repeated at intervals of 10-14 days.
Bond* Mixing 200 ml of Supa K with 100 l of water, it is sprayed on the leaves 3 times, at fruit set, when the fruits are the size of peas and at the beginning of coloration.