Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 452.42 g/l 2,4-D 2-Ethylhexyl Ester (EHE) +6.25 g/l Florasulam

Formulation : Suspo emulsion (SE) Suspo

Packaging : 1 l, 5 l


Resital® Duo is a wide-spectrum herbicide with systemic and contact action. Resital® Duo can be used in all varieties of wheat and barley. Resital® Duo exerts systemic action on broad-leaved weeds, immediately stopping the weed’s nutrition. Signs of death (wilting, yellowing) appear in 1-2 days. The weed dies in 7-14 days depending on temperature and the weed’s condition. It has no harmful effects on the crops to be planted after wheat and barley. If the wheat or barley field needs to be abandoned for any reason after spraying, another crop can be sown 7-15 days after the soil is cultivated. It does not leave residue in soil. Resital® Duo is safe in all varieties of wheat and barley and doesn’t cause any loss in yield. Its efficacy is not affected by rain starting 2 hours after application.

Method Of Application

The best effect in the administrations of Resital® Duo is received from the administrations made when the real leaves of weeds, they are in rapid growth and they are not covered by crop.

Cereals (Wheat, barley): Used from the complete emergence of weeds to end of tillering in cereals. Not recommended to be used after stem formation in cereals since desired results cannot be obtained. Do not apply after frost or if frost is expected during the night.

Corn: Used when corn has 3-5 leaves and weeds have completed emergence. Broad-leaved crops in the near vicinity can be harmed if daily average temperatures go above 15°C during or after the application (7-10 days). Therefore, it is not recommended to be used in Aegean, Southeast Anatolia and Aegean regions, where temperatures are high during this period.


Compatibility: Can be mixed with Hurdle Süper, a herbicide against narrow-leaved weeds. Not recommended to be mixed with other herbicides against narrow-leaved weeds. Can be mixed with insecticides such as Priban 4 and Arriban 55 EC. Can be mixed with foliar fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Since many foliar fertilizers are available, it would be useful to prepare a trial pre-mix first and use the product if no physical alterations are observed.

Detailed Table Information

Plant Name Weed Name Usage dose Time between last spraying and harvest
Corn Stinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Field garlic ( Convolvulus arvensis) 80 ml/da 14 days
Corn Lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Low cornflower (Centaurea depressa) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Low cornflower (Centaurea depressa) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Red-root amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens) 80 ml/da 14 days
Corn Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Morning glory (Ipomoea stolonifera) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Cleavers (Galium aparine) 70 ml / da 14 days
Corn Common saltwort (Salsola kali) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley German madwort (Asperugo procumbens) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Hoary cress (Cardaria draba) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Charlock(Sinapis arvensis) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Wild indigo (Isatis tinctoria) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Flixweed (Descuraina sophia) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Thracian ball mustard (Neslia apiculata) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Blue bugloss (Anchusa azurea) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Field daisy (Anthemis fumarifolia) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Field canary (Consolida regalis) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Corn buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Flixweed (Descuraina sophia) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Flixweed (Descuraina sophia) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Nodding hypecoum (Hypecoum pendulum) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Yellow weed (Boreava orientalis) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Italian plumeless thistle (Carduus picnocephalus) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Graceful false flax (Camelina rumelica) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Low cornflower (Centaurea depressa) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley Finger speedwell (Veronica triphyllos) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley Wild bishop (Bifora radians) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley Cranesbill (Geranium stepporum) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley Pheasant’s eye (Adonis aestivalis) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Narbonne vetch (Vicia narbonensis) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Blue bugloss (Anchusa azurea) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Oriental wiedemannia (Wiedemannia orientalis) 70 ml / da 14 days
Barley Narrowleaf knotweed (Polygonum bellardii) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Rough corn bedstraw (Galium tricornutum) 60 ml / da 14 days
Barley Forked chickweed (Cerastium dichotomum) 50 ml/da 14 days
Barley Common vetch (Vicia sativa) 50 ml/da 14 days