Active Ingredient: 16000 IU/mg Bacillus thuringiensis variety in the course
Formulation : WP (Water-wettable powder)
Packaging: 1kg ,600 gr
Rebound Bioinsecticide WP kills many insects, especially the Lepidoptera family, via the stomach. For death to occur, the medicated part must be eaten by the insect. The insect that eats the medicated leaf stops eating after a few hours, but may not die. Survival of the larvae does not mean that the damage continues. Because the insect that takes the medicine in its stomach can no longer harm. In order for the drug to show its full effect, a good spraying and all the green parts (leaves) of the plant where it is used must be sprayed. Spraying should be repeated at intervals of 7-14 days, taking into account the pest density, plant growth and the period of the pest. It does not disturb the balance between beneficial insects and harmful insects, thus contributing to the natural struggle.
Method Of Application
Vineyard: It should be applied immediately as soon as the first larvae hatch. In fact, it is useful to throw it 1 day before the exit. Since it is effective through the stomach, the larva must be fed in the medicated environment. When the medicated part is taken orally, the bacteria in it paralyzes within the first ½ hour and stops the larva from feeding. Within a few hours, a poison called Delta Endotoxin is formed by disintegrating the digestive system and kills the larva. Sometimes death occurs within 3-5 days.
Tomato: Asexual attractive traps are used in the greenhouse (1 trap/greenhouse) from the beginning of the production season to detect adult emergence. The traps are checked once a week and when the first adult is seen in the trap, at least 100 plants are checked according to the size of the production area, and eggs and larvae are searched in the flowers, leaves, stems and shoots of the plant. If 3 out of 100 plants are infected with eggs and larvae, it is decided to fight. Plants are checked again 5-6 days after spraying. Spraying can be repeated if necessary.
Citrus fruits: When the fruits reach the maturity of laying eggs (3-5 cm in diameter), the application is started. Spraying is done as a coating and especially so that the fruits are thoroughly wet. If contamination continues, spraying is repeated.
Cherry: In the orchards where an average of 7 egg packs per tree were detected during the winter controls; In early spring, spraying is required on leaves and bouquets of flowers that have not yet opened, when the rate of contamination with larvae exceeds 5%.
Miscibility: It is used alone. It cannot be mixed with other plant protection products and fertilizers.
Detailed Table Information
Citrus | lemon flower moth (Prays citri) | 200 gr/ 100 lt water | 0 day |
Cherry | apple leaf bender(Archips rosanus) | 200 g / 100 L water | 0 day |
Tomato(sera) | tomato moth (Tuta absoluta) | 200 gr/100 L water | 0 day |
Bond* | cluster moth (Lobesia botrana) | 150 gr+1000gr sugar/100 lt water | 0 day |