Category : Crop Protection Product group : Fungicides

Active Ingredient: 70% Thiophanate methyl

Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)

Packaging : 600 g


A systemic fungicide with protective and curative properties.

Method Of Application


Black spot of apple:

1st spraying: When the flower buds swell (when they are about to burst) (3-5 days earlier if branches are affected);

2nd spraying: At the pink flower bud stage (then the flowers are seen separately with their short stems);

3rd spraying: When 70-80% of the petals have fallen,

4th and other sprayings are also made by taking into account the effective period of the product depending on weather conditions and course of disease.

Black Spot in Pear: 

1st spraying should be done when the flower buds are about to burst,

2nd during the white bud stage,

3rd when 80-90% of the petals have fallen, and

4th and subsequent sprayings depending on weather conditions and course of disease.

Leaf spot disease in sugar beet: Spraying should be started once at least one spot is detected in 5% of mature leaves randomly collected along the field’s diagonal sections, and repeated at 10-14 day intervals.

Monilia in Drupe Trees:

1st spraying: at the start of flowering (5-10% flowers),

2nd spraying: at full flowering stage (90-100% flowers).

Powdery Mildew in Vineyard:

1st spraying: When offshoots are 25-30 cm long

2nd spraying: When petals have fallen;

3rd and subsequent sprayings: After second spraying, applications should be repeated until the time of veraison taking into consideration the effective period of the product and the region’s meteorological and ecological conditions.

Black Spot in Loquat: 

1st spraying is done before the flower buds swell;

2nd before the buds open;

3rd after the petals have fallen; and

4th and subsequent applications are made depending on disease status until 20 days are left to harvest and it should be made by considering duration of plant protection product. Administration schedule can be changed according to company recommendations if required. Number and dates of administration are recorded.

Monilia in Quince: One year before the administration, monilia fruits hanging on the tree should be collected.

1st spraying: 5% flowering is complete,

2nd spraying: 50% flowering is complete,

3rd spraying: full flowering is complete.

Compatibility: Can be mixed with other products except for those with alkaline properties.

Detailed Table Information

Loquat Black stain(Venturia inaequalis var eribotryae) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Sour cherry Monilia (Sclerotinia laxa) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Şekerpancarı Leaf spot (Cercospora beticola) 40 g / 100 L water 21 days
Sugar beet Monilia (Sclerotinia laxa) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Cherry Monilia (Sclerotinia laxa) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Apricot Monilia (Sclerotinia laxa) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Cucurbitaceae Powdery mildew(Erysiphe spp. ) 40 g / 100 L water 3 days
Apple Powdery mildew(Podosphaera leucotricha) 60 g /100 L water 14 days
Apple Black stain(Venturia inaequalis) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Vineyard Powdery mildew(Erysiphe necator) 100 g / 100 L water 14 days
Quince Monilia (Sclerotinia linhartiana) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days
Pear Black stain(Venturia pyrina) 60 g / 100 L water 14 days