Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 100 g/l Clopyralid

Formulation : Water-soluble concentrate (SL)

Packaging : 1 l, 5 l

Method Of Application

Wheat: It is used in the tillering period of the wheat, in the 2-4 leaf stage of the smelly herb.

Sugar beet: It is used after the emergence of sugar beet and canada thistle. The most effective result is obtained from the administrations made during the period with 2-4 leaves of the canada thistle, until it reaches a length of 15-20 cm.

Canola: It is recommended to use after the emergence of canola and weeds, in the early development period (2-6 leaves) of weeds.

Not recommended to mix with other products. A physical compatibility test should be done before use if required.

Detailed Table Information

Plant Name Weed Name Usage dose
Sugar Beet Prickly lettuce l (Lactuca scariola) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Greater knapweed (Centaurea cyanus) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Chamomile (Matricaria spp.) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Stink weed (Bifora radianis) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Canary weed (Senecio vulgaris) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Sugar Beet Carduus nutans (Carduus nutans) 100 ml/da Used in the 2-4 leaf stage of weeds, after the emergence of sugar beet and weeds.
Onion Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) 50 ml/da After Onion and Köygöçenler come out, in the 2-4-leaf stage of Köygöçenler
Canola Annual veronica (Veronica hederifolia) 100 ml/da Çıkış sonrası, yabancı otların erken gelişme döneminde kullanılır. (2-6 yaprak)
Canola Wild chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum segetum) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Wild vetch (Vicia spp.) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Field chamomile (Anthemis arvensis) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Tongue grass(Stellaria media) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Vine knotgrass (Polygonum convolvulus) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Canary weed (Senecio vulgaris) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Genuine daisy (Matricaria chammomilla) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Monster fruit (Tussilago farfara) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Shepherd’s purse(Capsella bursa pastoris) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola Dead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule) 100 ml/da It is used after emergence, in the early development period of weeds. (2-6 leaves)
Canola cockatoo 100 ml/da. It is used in the tillering period of wheat, in the 2-4 leaf stage of the cockroach.