Active Ingredient : 116,2 g/l Clethodim
Formulation : Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
Package : 1 l
Padlock is a selective, systemic herbicide used for young weeds and post-emergence broad-leaved cultivated plants, including annual and perennial grassy weeds and common (wheat-barley) cultivated plants. It is absorbed by leaves immediately after application. It moves in plant tissue and carried to roots. Ensure proper coating by using enough water. It acts on rhizomes, particularly in perennial weeds such as Johnson grass, making them dry completely and preventing re-germination. It doesn’t limit crop rotation since it leaves no residues in soil.
Method Of Application
Padlock should be used after emergence, during the young and active growth periods (2-6 leaves) of weeds. Administration should not be made in the conditions where cultivated plants and weeds are under stress due to drought, cold, etc., it should be waited until the stress conditions are eliminated. Sufficient water should be used to administer a good coated spraying. For this, calibrate your tool before switching to spraying. Use 20-40 l of water in decare. The herbicides to be used for the management of broad-leaved weeds in the area on which padlock is administered, should be removed at least 24 hours later.
-In case of plowing in perennial herbs, a second spraying can be made.
-Do not make any cultivation 7 days before and after spraying.
-If there is an expectation of rain within an hour, postpone spraying.
-In the irrigated areas, make spraying 4-5 days after the irrigation.
-In spraying, use a fan type nozzle, if possible.
Compatibility: Not to be mixed with other products.
Detailed Table Information
Plant Name | Weed Name | Usage dose | Time between last spraying and harvest |
Sugar beet | Paspalum (Paspalum paspaloides) | 80 ml/da | 56 days |
Sugar beet | Wild red oat (Avena sterilis) | 70 ml/da | 56 days |
Sugar beet | Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)* | 80 ml/da | 56 days |
Sugar beet | Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) | 60 ml/da | 56 days |
Sugar beet | Awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colonum) | 60 ml/da | 56 days |
Onion | Soft ear bird food (Phalaris paradoxa) | 60 ml/da | 42 days |
Onion | Wild red oat (Avena sterilis) | 60 ml/da | 42 days |
Onion | Short grain bird seed(Phalaris brachystachys) | 60 ml/da | 42 days |
Onion | Delice (Lolium temulentum) | 60 ml/da | 42 days |
Cotton | Green hedgehog millet (Setaria viridis) | 75 ml / da | 56 days |
Cotton | Sticky weed(Setaria verticillata) | 75 ml / da | 56 days |
Cotton | Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)(Rizomdan) | 125 ml / da | 56 days |
Cotton | Barnyard grass(Echinochloa crus-galli) | 75 ml / da | 56 days |
Cotton | Awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colonum) | 75 ml / da | 56 days |
Lentil | Wild red oat(Avena sterilis) | 70 ml/da | 56 days |
Lentil | Common wheat (Triticum aestivum) | 80 ml/da | 56 days |
Lentil | Common barley (Hordeum vulgare) | 80 ml/da | 56 days |
Tomato | anyas (Sorghum halepense)* | 80 ml / da | 28 days |
Tomato | Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) | 60 ml / da | 28 days |