Active Ingredient: 480 g/l Spinosad
Formulation : Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Method Of Application
The plant protection product calculated over the recommended dose is first mixed with some water in a separate container. The tank of the application machine is filled halfway with water. While the mixer of the machine is in operation, the mixture is added to the tank. Continuing to mix, the tank is completed with water. The mixing process is continued until the application is completed. Use the prepared mixture on the same day.
Before the application, the application machine should be calibrated. The amount of mixture to be given to the specific area should be well adjusted to provide a good coating in applications. Applications should be made at cool times of the day, in windless or slightly windy conditions.
Empty the sprayer’s tank safely immediately after the application is complete. After filling the tank with clean water, run the mixer and spray system and ensure that all parts are washed. Do not wash near water sources. Do not discharge washing water and wastes into water sources.
In order to get the best results from OREAD®, it must be used at the recommended dose. When mixed with water immediately, it can be applied with all kinds of spraying tools and equipment. Since OREAD® is a stomach and contact effective plant protection product, care should be taken to cover the entire surface of the plant during application.
The application times of the cluster moth against the cluster moth in the vineyard are determined according to the prediction-warning system. The number of butterflies caught in the traps for larvacid application should reach its peak and start to decrease, the effective temperature total should be 120 degrees for the first generation, the twilight temperatures should be 15 °C and above for 2 consecutive days, and this situation should continue in the following days. The total effective temperature should reach 520 days-degrees in the 2nd generation, 1047 days-degrees in the 3rd generation, the vine phenology should be in the flower bud in the 1st generation, the grove in the 2nd generation, and in the beginning of sweetening in the 3rd generation. When the first larval emergence is seen, the application is decided. An application is made for each generation.
In the fight against vineyard thrips in the vineyard, the application is made in spring when the buds start to awaken on the vines and the first leaflets are seen, when the population density of the pest reaches 2-3 thrips per leaf.
In order to detect adult emergence in tomato against tomato moth, sexual attractive pheromone traps are used in the greenhouse (1 trap/greenhouse) immediately after planting. The traps are checked once a week and when the first adult is seen in the trap, at least 100 plants are checked according to the size of the production area, and eggs, larvae and pupae are searched in the flowers, leaves, stems and shoots of the plant. If 3 out of 100 plants are contaminated with any biological period of the pest, the application is made.
It is necessary to fight the pest by walking in the diagonal direction against cotton leafworm in tomatoes, when 1-2 newly opened egg packs or 4-5 larvae are seen in 100 plants. Since the result will be better when the application is made without dispersal of the larvae, attention should be paid to the application time.
Yellow sticky traps, 1 per decare, are hung 10-15 cm above the plant in order to determine the emergence of leaf fly fly adults against leaf flies in cucumbers. At least 30 plants are selected in an area of one decare. The lower, middle and upper leaves of these plants are collected and counted. If 4 larvae per leaf are detected in small-leaved plants and 10 larvae are detected in large-leaved plants, the application is decided. In the selection of the plant protection product, plant protection products with the least negative effects on the beneficial species are preferred in terms of protection of beneficial species.
Against flowertrypsin in pepper and eggplant, 25 plants and 2 leaves from each plant are taken randomly in a decare in small-leaved plants, and 1 leaf from 25 plants in large-leaved plants, and thrips adults and larvae are counted under binoculars. Again, 2 flowers randomly taken from each plant are taken by shaking them on a white paper in a tray and the fallen thrips larvae and adults are counted. If the number of thrips per leaf (adults+larvae) is 10 in small-leaved plants and 20 in large-leaved plants, the control is done.
When the average daily temperature reaches 14-15 °C against potato beetle in potatoes, the field is entered in the direction of its diagonals and eggs, larvae and adults of the pest are searched in the furnaces. The presence of any period indicates that the field is contaminated. If the application will be made against the first generation, it should be done when the first mature larvae (fourth period) are seen in the plants. In case of application to the second offspring, it should be waited for the completion of egg opening. In this period, the application may not be necessary since the damage due to the insect density can be tolerated by the plant. However, as a result of the researches, 20% of the damage caused by the potato beetle on the leaves of the potato plant can be tolerated by the plant and there is no decrease in the product. This rate goes up to 40% depending on the phenological period and development of the plant.
Against cotton leafworm in cotton, leaves, combs, flowers and bolls of a total of 25 plants, one plant in 10-15 steps, are checked. Application is decided when 0.5 larvae per plant or 2 egg packs per 25 plants or 2 newly opened egg packs are seen.
In cotton, all randomly selected plants with a row length of 3 m are checked, and greenworm larvae and eggs are counted, and when there are 2 larvae with an average of 3 m row length, the application is decided.
Application is made when 10 larvae or 2 newly opened egg packages are seen in 100 plants during the controls against striped leafworm in cotton.
Against flower thrips in strawberry, at least 100 flowers are checked by randomly visiting the strawberry field from different directions. It is checked at least 1-2 times a week from the flowering of the earliest variety. Application is made when the population density is on average 10 thrips/flower. Applications are made before flowering, when pollinator activity is the least, or before 10% of the plants bloom.
When 20-30 nymphs per leaf are seen as a result of weekly counts against pistachio psyllid in 100 compound leaves, the application should be made before the first adult parasitoid emergence and a sticky layer (fumagine) on the leaf surface when the majority of the eggs hatch.
A sexual attractive trap is hung in the garden against the peach moth. The first application is made 10 days after the first butterfly is caught in the trap. After the first application according to these methods, the application can be continued at 15-20 days intervals, until 15-20 days before harvest, depending on the effect of the plant protection product.
Against hazelnut worms, an application should be made if more than 2 hazelnut worms are observed in 10 January during the controls made during the periods when the fruits reach the size of lentils.
The plant protection product named OREAD® is an insecticide classified as Group 5 according to its mechanism of action. Repeated applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action encourage the development of resistance. Therefore, in order to delay resistance development, do not exceed the total number of applications of OREAD® recommended in the same production season. In cases where the application needs to be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with different mechanisms of action (except for Group 5).
Compatibility: It is recommended to make premix trials before mixing large quantities for application.