Active Ingredient: 480 g/l Mesotrione
Formulation : Suspension Concentrate (SC)
HUCKNEY is a selective herbicide that successfully controls annual broad-leaved weeds in corn fields and contains the newly developed active ingredient “mesotrione” in its suspension concentrate formulation.
HUCKNEY is mainly taken from the green parts (leaf, stem) and roots in pre-emergence applications, and is rapidly transported in the vascular tissues (both xylem and phloem) of the plants. The active ingredient of the drug is mesotrione; It directly stops carotinoid biosynthesis in weeds and ensures the breakdown of chlorophyll matter, which leads to the death of plants. In post-emergence spraying, the first symptoms of weeds appear within 5-7 days; After about 14 days, the weeds are completely dead.
Method Of Application
Application time: It can be used safely in every period of corn. In post-emergence applications, slight discoloration of the leaves may be observed in the corn plant under stress conditions caused by weak cuticle formation, poor soil structure, cold and humid, extremely dry weather conditions after application, and extreme temperature differences between day and night. and does not cause any negative effects on efficiency.
Calibration of the sprayer: It should be applied at 2-3 atmospheres with the conventional spraying tools used in field spraying. Before spraying, the nozzles of the spraying tool should be checked and cleaned, and the device should work properly. Make sure the instrument is properly calibrated before spraying. In order to determine the amount of medicated water to be used per decare, first only a certain area is properly wetted with water. The amount of medicated water to be used per decare is calculated by determining the spent water. The amount of water to be used per decare is 25-30 liters.
Preparation of the plant protection product for application: The pesticide calculated for one tank over the recommended dose is first mixed with some water in a separate container. The tank of the tool is half filled with water. While the mixer of the device is running, the medicated water is added to the tank. Continuing to mix, the remaining amount of water is put into the tank. After the drug is thoroughly mixed with the water, the spraying is started. The mixing process is continued until the spraying is completed. The amount of water to be used per decare should be 20-30 liters. The prepared medicated solution should be used without waiting. During the application, it should be prevented that the drug is carried by the wind to the surrounding sugar beet, broad bean, vegetable, vineyard and fruit areas.
Plant tolerance: HUCKNEY is a special herbicide developed for use only in corn. It is well tolerated by maize when used in accordance with the recommendations. It can be used in seed produced corn and inbred lines. In this case, the recommendations of the hybrid manufacturer must be followed. It is not used in sweet corn and popcorn varieties.
Alteration and replanting: If for any reason, corn does not emerge, corn can be planted again immediately. Winter wheat, rapeseed and sunflower can be planted after tillage as an alternation plant.
ATTENTION : Cultivation of sugar beet, pea and broad bean can be done 18 months after Huckney application and after tillage. Sugar beet and vegetables cannot be planted as alternate crops following corn planting. Spraying should be done when weeds and corn are wet.
The plant protection product named Huckney is a herbicide classified as Group F2 28 according to its mechanism of action. Repeated applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action encourage the development of resistance. Therefore, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the total number of Huckney’s recommended applications in the same production season. In cases where the application needs to be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with a different mechanism of action (except Group F2 28).
Compatibility: Although it can be mixed with the herbicides and foliar fertilizers commonly used in Huckney maize plants, it is recommended to determine the plant tolerance and mixing status with small applications before such large applications to be made as a tank mixture. In unsuitable weather conditions, mixing tanks with other drugs to be used as post-emergence should be avoided.
Detailed Table Information
Sweetcorn | Circus (Chenopodium album) | 30 ml/da Post-emergence Weeds in the period of 2-6 leaves | 30 |
Sweetcorn | Dog currant (Solanum nigrum) | 30 ml/da Post-emergence Weeds in the period of 2-6 leaves | 30 |
Sweetcorn | Red rooted amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) | 30 ml/da Post-emergence Weeds in the period of 2-6 leaves | 30 |