Active Ingredient: 25% Malathion
Formulation : Wettable powder (WP)
Packaging : 800 g
Hekthion 25 WP is an organophosphorus insecticide with contact, stomach poison and vapour action.
Method Of Application
Corn: Against beat armyworm in corn, a total of 25 plants representing the field in 2-4 and 4-6 leaf plant development periods are checked in 5 points on the row as 5 adjacent plants and the larvae are counted. The administration is made when there are 2 larvae/plant in average.
Against green peach aphid: In the inspection, when 7 contaminated branches are found in 50 trees, administration is started.
Against clouded peach stem aphid, the management is made when there are 2-5 aphids in each steam or side branch in April, May, partially June.
Apple ermine moth: In the 100 leaf bouquet that will represent the garden, spraying is made if there are 4 cluster of larvae that entered the epidermis or made the net.
Against pear lace bug; the second administration is made in June, when the nymphs of the first progeny are dense.
For cherry fruit fly, spraying should be done in 7-10 days after the first imago is caught on the yellow sticky trap.
A total of 250 leaves are examined by taking 10 leaves randomly from four directions, and especially from the inside, of each vine against grape leafhopper. Administration is decided when an average of 5 mobile individuals are seen per leaf.
Depending on the climatic conditions against alfalfa weevil, it is necessary to start management when there are 25 larvae or matures in m2 10-20 days before the first form. However it depends on the regions and years, chemical management should be made in the cycle from April to May 15. During this period, the plant is 15-30 cm tall.
In empty tanks, administration is made in a way to wet all surfaces.
Compatibility: A preliminary test is recommended before large-scale mixtures. Should not be mixed with dinitro compounds and metalaxyl-containing plant protection products.
Detailed Table Information
Plant Name | Pest Name | Usage dose | Time between last spraying and harvest |
Clover | Alfalfa weevil (Hypera variabilis) | 400 g/da adult nymph | – |
Oil rose | Rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosae) | 200 g/100 l water adult nymph | – |
Peach | Green peach aphid(Myzus persicae) | 300 g/100 L water adult nymph | 7 days |
Peach | Peach stem cane bite (Pterochloroides persicae) | 300 g/100 L water adult nymph | 7 days |
Foliage plants | Rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosae) | 200 g/100 l water adult nymph | – |
Foliage plants | Rose curculio (Rhynchites hungaricus) | 200 g/100 l water adult | – |
Corn | Beet armyworm(Spodoptera exigua) | 500 g/da, larva | 7 days |
Cherry | Cherry fruit fly(Kırmızı örümcek) | 250 g/100 L water egg, larva* 400 g drug+500 g hydrolyzed protein/10 L water (Poisonous bait Partial branch spraying) | 7 days |
Apple | Apple ermine moth (Yponomeuta malinellus) | 400 g/100 L water, larva | 7 days |
Empty warehouse application | Tobacco moth(Ephestia elutella) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Saw-toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Towbug (Lasioderma serricorne) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Rice weevil(Sitophilus oryzae) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Maize weevil(Sitophilus zeamais) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Raisin moth (Ephestia figulilella) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehousel |
Empty warehouse application | Mealworm moth (Plodia interpunctella) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Dried-fruit mite(Carpoglyphus lactis) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Fig moth(Ephestia cautella) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Stored nut moth(Paralipsa gularis) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Sap beetles (Carpophilus sp.) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Empty warehouse application | Grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella) | 5 g/1 m2 at all stages 500 g+6 L water/100 m2 Eggs, adults, larvae | 20-25 days before the product is put into the warehouse |
Vineyard | Grape leafhopper (Arboridia adanae) | 300 g/100 L water adult nymph | 7 days |
Pear | Pear lace bug (Stephanitis pyri) | 200 g/100 L water adult nymph | 7 days |