Category : Crop Protection Product group : Fungicides

Active Ingredient: Copper hydroxide equivalent to 50% metallic copper

Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)


Equivalent to 50% metallic copper. A highly effective fungicide with very fine particles which contains copper hydroxide and is used to manage diseases of citrus fruits, vineyards, fruits, vegetables, field crops and foliage plants.

Method Of Application

Brown spot on citrus: Applications are started when the shoots are about 5-10 cm long when they start to develop and the first signs of disease are seen, taking into account the development of shoots and climatic characteristics. Applications are continued at 15-20 day intervals in order to protect the newly formed parts of the growing shoots and leaves and the young fruit from the disease, especially during the shoot development period. Applications are terminated when shoot development stops, precipitation decreases, temperatures increase and the fruit reaches a diameter of about 4 cm.

Vineyard mildew:

1st application: It should be applied when the shoot length is 25-30 cm.

2nd and other applications: It should be done 15 days after the first application. Considering the meteorological factors such as daily temperature and precipitation averages of the region, relative humidity, and dew, applications should be made when suitable conditions for disease infection occur, and applications should be terminated when the conditions disappear.

Peach leaf curl: An application is made when the buds start to swell.

Leaf piercing (freckles) in stone fruits (Apricot, Peach, Cherry):

1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,

2nd application: Before the flower buds open in the spring (during the pink flower bud period).

Leaf piercing (freckles) in stone fruits (Apricot, Peach, Cherry):

1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,

2nd application: Before the flower buds open in the spring (during the pink flower bud period), in addition to the apricots, the 3rd application should be made while the sepals and stamen are peeling off to the end of the fruit.

Tomato early leaf blight: The application should be started as soon as the first spots are seen, both in the seedling and in the field. When the climatic conditions are suitable for the development of the disease, the application is continued at 10-day intervals according to the course of the disease and climatic conditions.

Bacterial spot on tomato: It should be applied once a week during the seedling period and 2-3 applications at 8-10 days intervals in the field as soon as disease symptoms are seen in the seedling or field. The number of applications can be increased in greenhouses.

Tomato downy mildew: Application is started when a white ash-like conidy cover is seen on the underside of brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm on tomato leaves.

Ringed stain on olives:

In the Marmara Region:

1st application: Just before the autumn shoots appear;

2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open.

In the Aegean Region:

1st application: Just before the spring shoots appear;

2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open.

In the Mediterranean Region:

1st application: After harvest;

2nd application: Just before the spring shoots appear,

3rd application: It should be done after the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open.

Miscibility: Hektaş Hydrocop 77 WP can be mixed with Agricultural Control products other than organic phosphorus and low pH (acidic) plant protection products. Plant protection products containing Fosetyl-Al can cause phytotoxicity if mixed.

Detailed Table Information

Olive Ring spot disease (Cycloconium oleaginum) 300 g / 100 L water 7 days
Citrus Brown spot disease (Alternaria alternata f.sp citri) 300 g / 100 L water 7 days
Peach Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) 350 g / 100 L water 7 days
Peach Leaf Piercing in Hard Seed Fruits (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) 350 g / 100 L water 7 days
Cherry Leaf Piercing in Hard Seed Fruits (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) 350 g / 100 L water 10 days
Apricot Leaf Piercing in Hard Seed Fruits (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) 500 g / 100 L water (Dormant period), 250 g / 100 L water (Normal period) 7 days
Tomato Mildew (Phytophtora infestans) 250 g / da 7 days
Tomato Early leaf blight (Alternaria solani) 250 g / da 7 days
Tomato Bacterial spot (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato) 250 g / da 7 days
Vineyard Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) 250 g / 100 L water 7 days