Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient : 500 g/l 2,4-D acid equivalent dimethyl amine salt

Formulation : Soluble concentrate (SL)

Package : 17 l, 10 l, 5l, 1l


The best result is obtained if HEKTAFERMYN is used when the weeds quickly develop. In case temperature is below 10-12 °C, do not apply. The plant protection product named HEKTAFERMYN is a herbicide classified as Group O,4 by its impact mechanism. The repeating administrations of plant protection products with same impact mechanism encourage for resistance development. Therefore, in order to impede resistance development, do not exceed number of total administrations recommended within the same production season. In cases when it is required to repeat the administration, take care to use plant protection products with different impact mechanism (apart from Group O,4).

Method Of Application

Temperatures should not be lower than 10-12 °C on the days of application. Spray droplets should be large enough to avoid runoff.

Compatibility: Not recommended to mix with other products. A physical compatibility test should be done before use if required.

Detailed Table Information

Corn Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Corn Wild Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Corn Lamb’s Quarters  (Chenopodium album) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Corn Red-Rooted Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Corn Common Sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Corn Heliotropium Europaeum (Heliotropium europaeum) 200 ml / da It is applied after exit. Corns should be in the 2-4 leaf stage.
Cereals Salsify (Tragopogon buphthalmoides) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Persian Speedwell (Veronica persica) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Land Cress (Cardaria draba) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Wild Grass Pea (Lathyrus aphaca) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Wild Carnation (Dianthus anatolicus) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Wild Chicory (Cichorium intybus) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Yabani hardal (Sinapis arvensis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Yabani fig (Vicia spp.) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca scariola) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Dyer’s Woad (Isatis tinctoria) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Cranesbill (Geranium spp.) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Corn Gromwell (Buglossoides arvensis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Melilot (Melilotus indica) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Field Chamomile (Anthemis arvensis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Corn Buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Field Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Spurge (Euphorbia microsphaera) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Creeping Bellflower (Campunula rapunculoides) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Bugloss (Anchusa leptopylla) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Common Melilot (Melilotus officinails) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Lesser Honeywort (Cerinthe minor) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals False Carrot (Turgenia latifolia) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Syrian Cephalaria (Cephalaria syriaca ) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Chamomile (Anthemis spp.) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Sweet Pea (Lathyrus spp.) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Yellow Mignonette (Reseda lutea) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Chickweed (Stellaria media) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Corn Cockle (Agrostemma githago) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Pheasant’s Eye (Adonis spp.) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Eastern Groundsel (Senecio vernalis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Blood Drops (Adonis flammea) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Larkspur (Consolida anthoroidea) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Yellow-star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 160 ml / da kardeşlenme dönemi başlangıcında, 200 ml /da kardeşlenme dönemi sonunda, 300 ml / da Karadeniz bölgesinde geç dönemde Polikültür tarım yapılan bölgeler için tavsiye edilir.
Cereals Mouse-Ear Chickweed (Cerastium perfoliatum) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Scarlet Pimpernel  (Anagallis arvensis) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Shepherd’s Purse  (Capsella bursa pastoris) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Filaree (Erodium hoefftianum) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Cowherb (Vaccaria pyramidata) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Anatolian Fumitory (Fumaria kralikii) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Gum Succory (Chondrilla juncea) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.
Cereals Few Flowered Fumitory (Fumaria vaillantii) 160 ml / da At the beginning of tillering period, 200 ml/da at the end of tillering period, 300 ml/da in the Black Sea region in the late period is recommended for the regions where Polyculture is cultivated.