Active Ingredient: 720 g/L Ethephon + 45 g/L Cyclanilide
Formulation : SC (Suspension concentrate)
Packaging : 5 L
When the product is used correctly, it enables the cotton bolls to open earlier. It ensures that the cotton is harvested without any damage to the yield and quality.
Method Of Application
Within 30 days after Hektaş Gauss® application, corn, cereals; Vegetables whose leaves are eaten within 60 days; Do not plant root vegetables such as carrots and radishes within 120 days.
PREPARING THE MEDICINE FOR APPLICATION: First, the required amount of medicine is mixed with some water in a separate container. The prepared mixture is added to the tank of the sprayer filled with water up to half by mixing. The tank is completed with the required amount of water, mixed again and made ready for spraying. Prepare enough mixture to be used on the same day. If undiluted medicine is spilled on the equipment, it may leave permanent stains. In such cases, wash the contaminated parts with plenty of water within 1 hour. USAGE: For a good wetting, it should be used with ground tools at 20-30 I water/da. If rain is expected within 6-8 hours, the application should not be made.
Miscibility: Since Hektaş Gauss® is used as a boll opener and defoliant on cotton before harvest, it does not need to be mixed with other insecticides and fungicides at the time of application. It can be used by mixing with Doruk Ultra.