Active Ingredient : 240 g/l Bifenazate
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Package : 250 ml , 120 ml
Method Of Application
In cloves: the drug should be applied to the plants before flowering or after cutting the flower. Spraying is done when an average of 10 red spiders are found on a leaf. One application is enough. In tomato, pepper: When there are 3 live red spiders on average per leaf, the fight is decided. In cucumber, eggplant: The fight is decided when there are an average of 5 live red spiders per leaf.
In Strawberry: Early period application: An application should be made when spider mites are seen in flower and green fruit period (before the first ripe fruits appear) in strawberry areas where spider mites are a problem every year. Early application is safer as it leaves no residue on the fruits.
In-season application: In cases where early-term application is not made, strawberries grown in the open are checked at 3-5 days intervals at the beginning of the season (end of March – beginning of April). Red spiders appear on the surrounding plants at the beginning of the season on strawberries. First of all, it is sufficient to control and apply these plants. If the population is widespread, at least 50 leaflets are examined in the middle and lower parts of the plant to represent the field. If 15 or more spider mites are detected per leaflet, the application is decided. Application is made immediately after fruit collection. Harvest should be done by paying attention to the time between the last application and harvest.
In pepper: The fight is decided when there are an average of 3 live red spiders per leaf.
In eggplant: The fight is decided when there are an average of 5 live red spiders per leaf.
In the vineyard: In the fight against spider mites, spraying should be done when the population density exceeds an average of 5-8 motile individuals per leaf.