Active Ingredient: 240 g/l Clodinafop-propargyl +60 g/l Cloquintocet-mexyl (Safener)
Formulation : Emulsion concentrate (EC)
Packaging : 400 ml, 200 ml
Cowboy 240 EC is absorbed by the leaves of narrow-leaved weeds. Active growth stops in 48 hours in narrow-leaved weeds sensitive to the product. Effects of the product are seen in 1-3 weeks depending on the weed type and environmental conditions. Rots in the weed’s nodes and growth spots become visible and the weed dies after young leaves turn yellow. The product is not affected by rain starting 2-3 hours after application. The excipiant (safener) in the formulation of the herbicide encourages the metabolism and increases the selectivity of the herbicide on wheat. It is tolerated very well by wheat if applied during the recommended period and at the recommended dose.
Method Of Application
Cowboy® 240 EC may be used at any time from post-emergence of wheat and weeds, e.g. from the 3-leaf stage of wheat to the end of tillering. Best results are obtained from Cowboy® 240 EC if it is applied when most of the weeds have emerged and, for example, they are actively growing under warm and moist conditions. Since it has no permanent effect, narrow-leaved weeds that appear after administration are not inspected. In cases when rainfall is expected within 2 hours following the administration, administration should not be made. It is tolerated very well by wheat if applied during the recommended period and at the recommended dose. Since Cowboy® 240 EC rapidly disintegrates in soil, it barely has any effect from the soil. Therefore, there are no limitations for crop rotation.
Compatibility: COWBOY® 240 EC should not be mixed with Sulfonylurea-containing plant protection products. Can be used with fungicides for wheat. It is recommended to try small test mixtures before large-scale use.
Detailed Table Information
Wheat | Blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |
Wheat | Little-seed Canary Grass (Phalaris minor) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |
Wheat | Hood Canarygrass (Phalaris paradoxa) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |
Wheat | Wild Red Oat (Avena Sterilis) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |
Wheat | Short-spiked Canarygrass (Phalaris brachystachys) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |
Wheat | Ryegrass (Lolium temulentum) | 20 ml / da It is preferably used in the early tillering period of wheat until the end of tillering at the latest. |