Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 480 g/l Glyphosate isopropylamine salt

Formulation : Water-soluble concentrate (SL)

Packaging: 20 l, 5l, 1l


A non-selective, systemic and post-emergent herbicide which is effective in controlling all weeds.

Method Of Application

The best result is obtained when the weeds are actively grown. Care should be taken that the crop with plant protection product is not pulverised to green component of crop plants and to green covers of young seedlings that are not lignified yet. Since CLEAN® UP is a systemically effective crop protection product, soil cultivation that will damage weeds should not be done before at least 4-5 days after the administration in order for the product to penetrate weeds.

Compatibility: Can be mixed with some other herbicides. It is recommended to carry out small tests before large-scale applications.

Detailed Table Information

Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Spiny Cocklebur (Xanthium spinosum) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Wild Mustard(Setaria viridis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Slender Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Annual mercury (Mercurialis annua) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Toothed medick (Medicago polymorpha) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Wild Carrot(Daucus carota) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Wild Mustard(Sinapis arvensis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Vetches (Vicia spp.) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Cut-leaf Geranium (Geranium dissectum) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Slender Foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Scratch Bur (Ranunculus arvensis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Spurge (Euphorbia spp.) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Fatweed (Portulaca oleracea) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Common Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Mısır hardalı (Ochthodium aegyptiacum) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Chickweed (Stellaria media) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Canary grass (Phalaris spp.) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Couch Grass (Cynodon dactylon) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Wild Red Oat (Avena Sterilis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Poverty Brome (Bromus sterilis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Pigweed Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Canary Grass (Senecio vernalis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Tumble Pigweed (Amaranthus albus) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Common Mallow (Mam aegypatiacum) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Perennial Weeds 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Grass Pea (Lathyrus nissolia) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Meadow Pea (Lathyrus pratensis) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Common Nettle (Urtica dioica) 600 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Awnless Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa colonum) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Dyer’s Croton (Chrozophora tinctoria) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Citrus Fruits, Vineyards*, Hazelnuts, Olives and Non-cultivated Areas Dead-Nettles (lva neglecta) 300 ml / da It is applied in the period when weeds are young and actively growing. (It can be used before, during or after sowing in fields prepared for cotton planting. However, the application must be made before emergence.)
Land, railway sides, airports, factory gardens, historical areas, water and drainage channels, field sides Against shrub and woody plants 1000 ml / da In active growth phase
Shoulders, water and drainage channels Shoulders and above water weeds 1000 – 1500 ml / da In the active growth phase of weeds