Active Ingredient : 357,5 g/l Metalik Bakıra Eşdeğer Bakır Oksiklorid
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Package : 1 L, 5 L
It is a fungicide which has copper oxychloride in its composition and is successfully used in the management of fungal diseases in agricultural products. It has protective and curative action. The plants should be soaked thoroughly and ground sprayers should be equipped with under-leaf nozzles to make sure that undersides of leaves are sprayed. Spraying should be done when there is no wind.
Method Of Application
Black spot of apple:
First spraying should be done when the flower buds swell (3-5 days earlier if branches are affected), second during the pink bud stage (when flowers can be seen separately), third when 70-80% of the petals have fallen, and fourth and subsequent sprayings at 10-day intervals depending on weather conditions and course of disease.
Shot hole disease in apricot:
1st spraying should be done right after the leaves fall in autumn;
2nd spraying in spring when the flower buds swell and before florescence; and
3rd spraying when the fruit’s sepal and stamen sheath go past the tip of the fruit.
Olive leaf spot disease:
For the Marmara region;
1st spraying is done before autumn offshoots are seen and
2nd spraying is done after flower clusters become noticeable and before florescence;
For the Aegean region;
1st spraying is done before spring offshoots are seen and
2nd spraying is done after flower clusters become noticeable and before florescence;
For the Mediterranean region:
1st spraying should be done after harvest,
2nd spraying before spring offshoots are seen and
3rd spraying after flower clusters become noticeable and before florescence.
Leaf curl in peach:
Applied when the flower buds start to swell in early spring.
Early leaf blight in tomato:
Spraying is started once disease first appears; 2 sprayings are done at a 15-day interval.
Mildew in vineyard:
Spraying is done when offshoots reach 25-30 cm in length and continued with at an interval of 10-15 days depending on climatic conditions and course of disease.
Compatibility: It should be used alone, without mixing with other products (insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators etc.).
Detailed Table Information
Apple | Black spot (Venturia inaequalis) | 400 ml/100 l water | 14 days |
Apricot | Shot-hole of stone fruit (Wilsonomyces carpophylus) | 675 ml/100 l water | 14 days |
Olive | Leaf spot of olive (Spilocaea oleagina) | 400 ml/100 l water | 14 days |
Peach | Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) | 700 ml/100 l water | 14 days |
Tomato | Early leaf blight (Alternaria solani) | 420 ml/100 l water | 14 days |
Vineyard | Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) | 350 ml/100 l water | 14 days |