Category : Plant Nutrition
Product group : Leaf Fertilizer
Total Nitrogen (N): 8
Ammonium Nitrogen (N): 0.5
Nitrate Nitrogen (N): 7,5
Water Soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO): 12
Chlorine Content: 0.1%
Other Informations
Miscibility: Agrichem SUPA CaO 12compatible with widely used pesticides and other products. When mixing with other chemicals, always mix a small amount and check the precipitate in the mixture.
If precipitation occurs, do not continue to apply. If the mixture does not settle down and you are using this product combination for the first time, test a small area of the crop before treating the whole crop.
Detailed Table Information
Plant Name | Dosage of Use | Implementation | Advices |
Olive | 300 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply once a month, starting from the fruit set. |
Pome Fruits | 300 – 420 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply 1 L to 150 L of water with the first flowering application. 6 L / 1000 L water (up to 40 L / per season) for every second pesticide application |
Pome Fruits | 1 – 2 l | Drip İrrigation | Apply 1 L to 150 L of water with the first flowering application. 6 L / 1000 L water (up to 40 L / per season) for every second pesticide application |
Green Fields | 120 ml / 100m2 | Foliar Sprey | Apply as required. For grass laid in warm conditions, use the ratio of 1: 40. |
Drupe Fruits | 1 – 2 l | Drip İrrigation | Apply as needed. |
Field Crops | 180 – 300 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply with miscible plant protection products to aid calcium and calcium production. |
Wine Grapes, Table Grapes | 180 – 360 ml or 180 – 360 ml/ 100 L | Foliar Sprey | Apply with other mixes at regular intervals before blooming. Do not exceed the maximum label dose or apply in stronger doses than 1: 100. Minimum water amount should be 50 L / da. |
Wine Grapes, Table Grapes | 1 – 2 l | Drip İrrigation | Apply with other mixes at regular intervals before blooming. Do not exceed the maximum label dose or apply in stronger doses than 1: 100. Minimum water amount should be 50 L / da. |
Vegetables | 240 – 360 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply once a month with products suitable for the mixture. |
Citrus | 240 – 360 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply before flowering, petal defoliation and as required. |
Banana | 120 – 300 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply every 2-4 weeks to a tank mix of compatible pesticides. |
Lettuce | 180 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply before head formation and repeat at 40-day intervals. |
Cabbage | 240 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply before head formation and repeat at 40-day intervals. |
Cut flowers | 120 – 240 ml | Drip İrrigation | Apply with other mixtures at regular intervals before flowering |
Cucurbits | 120 – 240 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply with other mixtures at regular intervals before flowering. |
Tomato | 180 ml | Foliar Sprey | Foliar Sprey |
Strawberry | 120 – 240 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply at intervals of 21 days to ensure fruit firmness. |
Avocado | 120 – 180 ml | Foliar Sprey | Apply monthly from flowering until the end of fruit development. |