Hektaş Yazlik Yag

Category :Winter Struggle Medicines and Summer Oils

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : 850 gr/l Mineral oil

Formulation : Water-soluble concentrate (SL)

Package : 17 l, 200 l, 1 l, 60 l

Label Information  Safety Datasheet


Method of Application

One application may be sufficient when almost all of the eggs laid by the offspring adults overwintering against the pear psyllid on the pear are hatched and the second and third instar nymphs begin to appear, more than 15% of the shoots begin to infect, the sweetish substance flow does not begin and there are not many natural enemies.
The application time against olive black cochlea in olives is determined according to the active larvae emergence. For this purpose, in the orchards where the application will be made, the females with eggs belonging to that year on the shoots of 20-25 cm from 4 sides of the tree that will represent the garden are checked and active larvae hatching from the eggs is determined. The first application is made in the period when 50% of the eggs are opened, and the second application is made in the period when 90% of the eggs are opened.
It is applied when it is deemed harmful against olive scallion and olive cotton scallion in olives.
The fight against citrus mealybug in the vineyard is done in two periods. The first period is the period when wetness begins to be seen on the bark on the stem of the vine and the citrus mealybug begins to move towards the green parts. In this period, the groves are about the size of chickpeas and application should be made only on the vines where citrus mealybug is seen. The second period is the period when the citrus mealybug passes into leaves and bunches and the grains begin to sweeten. If contamination is detected in most of the vines and also in exported varieties, it can be applied in both periods.
Application is made when pistachio green spilidine is deemed harmful.

Other Informations

Compatibility: Do not mix with sulfur plant protection products. It is recommended to make premix trials before mixing large quantities for application.

Detailed Table Information

Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olive with Garlic (Pollinia pollini) 1200 ml/100 l water
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olive cotton condiment (Philippia oleae) 1250 ml/100 l water
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olives with black cochlea (Saissetia oleae) Olives with black cochlea (Saissetia oleae)
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olives with black cochlea (Saissetia oleae) 1500 ml/100 l water Summer and winter struggle in the Marmara and Black Sea regions
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olives with black cochlea (Saissetia oleae) 1250 ml/100 l water for the summer struggle in the Aegean Region
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Olive Olives with black cochlea (Saissetia oleae) 1250 ml/100 l water Winter and summer struggle in the Mediterranean region
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Bond* Citrus famous lice (Planococcus citri) 1000 ml/100 l water
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Pear Pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) 1000 ml + 300 ml/100 l water HEKTAŞ SUMMER OIL + HEKTHION 20 EM
Hektaş Yazlık Yağ Pistachios Pistachio green psyllid (Megagonoscena viridis) 1500 ml /100 l water