Hektaş Sarritor

Category :Winter Struggle Medicines and Summer Oils

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient :800 g/l Paraffinic Mineral Oil

Formulation :Emulsion concentrate (EC)

Package :20 l, 5 l,1 l

Label Information  Safety Datasheet


Method of Application

  • Spraying should be done when an average of 3-5 live cobwebs are seen per leaf against red spiders in cucumbers.
  • One application may be sufficient when almost all of the eggs laid by the offspring adults overwintering against the pear psyllid in the pear hatch and the second and third instar nymphs begin to appear, more than 15% of the shoots begin to infect, the sweetish substance flow does not begin and there are not many natural enemies.
  • Applications against mulberry crustacean in peach are applied against first and second progeny. It is applied in two applications, at the first larva emergence and 20 days after that. However, it should be taken into account that some peach varieties have come to the harvest period in the second generation.
  • As a winter application against San José crustacean on apples, it is applied between January and March without waking the eyes. As an early spring control, it is applied against the larvae during the pink bud period. As a summer struggle, the first application is made after the pest starts breeding after the flower. The effect time of the plant protection product is followed and a second application is made if necessary.

Other Informations

Compatibility: Hektaş Sarritor® sulfur, captan and folpet active substances do not mix with plant protection products. If the plant protection products in question are applied to the plant, it is necessary to wait 20 days for Hektaş Sarritor® application. Hektaş Sarritor® should be used alone.

Detailed Table Information

Hektaş Sarritor Peach Mulberry crustacean louse (Pseudaulacaspis pentagona) 3 l/100 l water
Hektaş Sarritor Cucumber Red spider (Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Tetranychus urticae) 800 ml / 100 l water
Hektaş Sarritor Apple San jose crustacean lice (Diaspidiotus perniciosus) 2,5 l / 100 l water
Hektaş Sarritor Pear Pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) 1500 ml /100 l water