Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 441 g/l Glyphosate potassium salt

Formulation : Water soluble concentrate (SL)

Packaging : 1 l


HEKTAŞ CHOOSE® is a non-selective and post-emergence total herbicide. It should be applied to actively growing weeds. There are no restrictions on application concerning age and phenology of the cultivated plant. Cultivated plants (citrus fruits, vineyard, olive and hazelnut) can be at different phenological stages while applying. Poses no risk of phytotoxicity unless there is exposure. Do not apply in windy weather conditions. Beware that its particles should not come in contact with the cultivated plant during application.

Method Of Application

After administering HEKTAŞ CHOOSE®, it is received by green components of weeds and moved to the roots of plant, tubers. In order to get the best result from the administration, spraying should be made when the weeds actively grow. Therefore, since perennial broad-leaved weeds are more sensitive immediately before and during flowering, administration in this period will give a more successful result. Inspection of perennial narrow-leaved weeds can give a more successful result if administration is made when it fully appears, actively grows and have at least 4-5 leaves. HEKTAŞ CHOOSE® is a systemic medicine inspecting many narrow and broad-leaved, annual and perennial weeds. The impact of HEKTAŞ CHOOSE® on the weeds is observed after 7-10 days (if growth is rapid, in a shorter period, on the contrary, if growth is slow, in a longer period). The ideal water amount to be used in decare is 20-40 litres. In spraying, this aim is achieved by operating fan jet nozzles at low pressure (1-3 atm.).

Compatibility: HEKTAŞ CHOOSE® is sufficient to achieve good control of targeted weeds. Not to be mixed with other pesticides and fertilizers.

Detailed Table Information

Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Lady’s comb (Scandix pecten-veneris) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Chain xanthium  (Xanthium spinosum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period..
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Trefoil (Medicago minima) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Star cockspur (Centaurea calcitrapa) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Land basil (Mercurialis annua) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Annual veronica (Veronica hederifolia) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Woodruff (Setaria verticillata) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Fireweed (Epilobium tetragonum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Land cress (Cardaria draba) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild sagebrush (Artemisia vulgaris) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild forest mint (Mentha spicata) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild grass pea (Lathyrus aphaca) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild grass pea (Lathyrus aphaca) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild medic (Onobrychis erista-galli) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild chicory (Cichorium intybus) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wild mallow (Malva sylvestris) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown White bedstraw (Galium spurium) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Tansy mustard (Descuraina sophia ) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Tumble mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Herbs robert (Geranium dissectum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Thrace mustard (Neslia apiculata) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Pin mustard (Neslia paniculata) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Foxtail grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Medical barley grass (Lithospermum officinale) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Lapsana communis (Lapsana communis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Melilot (Melilotus indica) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Field parsley (Oenanthe silaifolia) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Field chamomile (Anthemis arvensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Field butterflower (Ranunculus arvensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Jimson weedı (Datura stramonium) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Cynanchum acutum (Cynanchum acutum) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Water mint (Mentha pulegium) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Goosefoot (Chenopodium album) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Vine lysimachia (Lysimachia nummularia) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Yellow weed (Boreava orientalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Goldfinch (Carduus pycnocephalus) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Downy brome(Bromus tectorum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Smelly chicory (Crepis foetida) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Balsam herb (Conyza canadensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Delicate fumitory (Fumaria parviflora) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Milk thistle herb (Silybum marianum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Cross bred cockscomb (Amaranthus hybridus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Blue scarlet pimpernel(Anagallis caerula) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Small radish (Rapistrum rugosum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Small bloomy mallow (Malva parviflora) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Bird vetch (Vicia cracca) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Bird vetch (Vicia cracca) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Canada thistle (Circium arvence) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Conic catchfly (Silene conoidea) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Sweet clover (Trigonella monspeliaca) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Sweet melilot ı (Melilotus officinalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Curly dock (Rumex crispus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Infertile wild oat grass (Avena sterilis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Dry pasture (Bromus sterilis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Red clover (Trifolium campestre) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Bristly chicory (Crepis aspera) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Stiff spurge (Euphorbia stricta) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Johnson grass(Sorghum halepense) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Italian alkanet (Anchusa azurea) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Indian mallow (Senecio vulgaris) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Dead nettle (Urtica urens) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Cockscomb (Amaranthus albus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Real fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Sun spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Sun thorn (Centaurea solstitialis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Evening primrose (Ipomea stolonifera) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Common sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Medicago orbicularis (Medicago orbicularis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wall barley (Chenopodium murale) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Wall barley (Hordeum murinum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Geranium (Erodium cicutarium) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Pig xanthium (Xanthium strumarium) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown East sainfoin (Conringia orientalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown East carrot (Astrodaucus orientalis) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown East nettle (Wiedemannia orientalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Stickyweed (Galium aparine) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Spiny prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Spiny arum maculatum (Helminthotheca echioides) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Spiny common sowthistle (Sonchus asper) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Creeping thistle (Alhagi pseudalhagi) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Maltese cross (Tribulus terrestris) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Water grass (Echinochloa crus galli) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Meadow caterpillar (Trifolium pratense) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Meadow hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown White dead nettle (Lamium macrodon) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Woolly blackberry (Rubus canescens) 800 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Heliotropium europeaum (Heliotropium europaeum) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Dead nettle (Lamium amplexicau!e) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Dent de lion (Taraxacum serotinum) 600 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Vaccaria hispanica (Vaccaria pyramidata) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Golden crib (Tragopogon aureus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Poa trivialis (Poa trivalis) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Annual vetch (Vicia sativa) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Hazelnut, Olive and Areas Where Crop Plant is Not Grown Annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) 300 ml / da Applied during active growth period.